will tell your story...
"Ciauri Media captured the heart of our agency in a way that was absolutely remarkable - it was as though she had been a part of that organization for years and understood the core of our mission. This video represents our agency at its very best."
-Ken Berrick, CEO Seneca Family of Agencies San Francisco/Bay Area
Cris Cancer UK sold out Annual Ball 2019 in Mayfair, London with the debut of our Night To Unite fundraising video raised over 850,000 GBP an increase of 41% from 2018.
"Stacey, you cannot imagine how many compliments we got on your video. At Cris Cancer meeting today to review the gala they all say the video was amazing."
- Lola Manterola, CEO CrisCancerFoundation UK
"Ciauri Media made two wonderful videos for us. Both were well researched, heart warming pieces that were extremely effective for fundraising. We screened them at our annual benefit and last year we raised more money than we ever had before."
- Sloan Klein, Board President, Compass Community Services San Francisco
In this time of Covid, our latest Cris Cancer Foundation 2020 annual fundraising gala video - their first virtual - raised more than 750£ GBP in one short zoom event evening! The original goal? £250 GBP. This is our 4th consecutive video for Cris Cancer in London and Paris. Our video and the silent auction were the main events.
"Every year Ciauri Media videos leave me in tears. I can't be more grateful. The storytelling is really making our donors understand what is happening behind CRIS work, behind every patient's story, but the most important behind every researcher's work."
- Nuria Marti, Trustee Cris Cancer